

A. General Information

1.Name of Employee 2. Name of Institute
3.Length of Service 4. Designation
5.Highest Qualification 6.No. of Training attended organised by Hitkarini Sabha

B. Attendance Details (2022-23)

Total Working Days CL EL OL OD LWP Sick Leave Special Leave Maternity Leave Late Arrival Total Leaves Availed Balance Leaves

Note: (To be filled by consulting with the Reporting Officer/HOD)

C. Ethical Conduct

1.Was there any disciplinary action in the past on the said person? 2. He/She is responsible and accountable in handling financial matter.

D. Work Output and Functional Competency

1. Carries out the given work on regular day to day basis – is upto date on the work assigned 2. Carries out instructions given by superiors from time to time without demur and with sincerity
3. What is the attitude of the employee in general about the organization and the management? 4. How well behaved and prompt in working in dealing with staff?
5. Ability to maintain cleanliness, safety and proper upkeep well maintained environment around the workplace? 6. Knowledge of Rules and Regulation & Instructions in general & with particular reference to the work allotted in him.
7. Takes initiative and gives valuable suggestions for improvement in the organizations working, operations, image building, etc 8. Takes independent actions when required.
9. Is sensitive about spending organization resources and does not waste them but at the same time is able to take quick decisions to spend where required? 10. Ability to maintain registers and other official documents in proper manner and give required information quickly
11. Ability to maintain Machinery and other arrangements. 12. Knowledge of working on Computer.
13. Accomplishment of exceptional work/ unforeseen Task. 14. Has He/She ever interested with work other than routine.
15. How well he/she understands the various instructions. 16. Communicates effectively.
17. Coordinates with school/office in proper manner. 18. Adapts and implements new methods and technologies to use better service to upgrade.
19. Ability to maintain and perform corrective actions on all small equipment’s used including minor repairs. 20. Meets commitments and Deadlines consistently

E. General Behavior & Participation to Organization's Working

1. State of Physical health and well-being (Mental Balance at work) 2. Maintains effective Performance under Pressure.
3. Openness & willingness to learn new things. 4. Regularity & Punctuality at work.
5. Honesty & Integrity at work 6. Responsive Behavior to the instructions given by seniors.
7. General Relationship with peers/Colleagues.

        Total CR Score(Out of 100): 0